Strict colleges create big zeroes

Nice topic isn’t it? Yes it’s true too. SSN is the best college in Chennai. That’s cause the students get their dose of freedom.

What do we ask? Healthy communication, time to chat, smiles, weekends off and semester holidays. Nothing much. All affordable. We saw an episode in NEEYA NAANA in Vijay tv.

At anytime when there is too much restriction, we intend to break the rules. What we fear is that these colleges may create aversion towards studies. If we talk this in our college, our ID card disappears. That’s life.

What do they get in seeing us cry? This happens in many colleges. We have very sweet people called floor supervisors and it is the dearest wish of students to kick these guys. Overdoing of one’s job, I’d say.

We have a short college life. We’d not score so much and take up engineering studies to end up in the life of a jail bird. Atleast a jail inmate has games, chicken and what not?

Fines truly run the colleges. College is the era to bunk but we are deprived of that pleasure too. Damn it. People who read this may call me a rebel. But this is for those jail birds who’ll agree with me saying I’m posting their hearts.

We are students. We want to study but don’t make our lives to be hell please. This is hell. Think of yourselves in our position. You’d not like this yourself dear elders. If any college administrator sees this please help us dear teachers. We do not want to party but please give us the freedom we deserve.

We intend to be engineers but please don’t send us running for the hills.

Staying in my very own personal hell on earth.

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