The Perfect Product

Nothing in the world can be perfect. This is true no matter what is under consideration. Many people tend to say that their girlfriends are perfect, no arguments there. Here, I wish to say something about this fact being exploited in thriving businesses in the world.

There is one secret to any business. Please don’t ignore this just because I am a guy who has just entered his twenties but do hear me out. The secret is simple. Never create a perfect product. Try to add a minimum of one imperfection to your product. Why? The answer is simple once again. Your business has a possibility of growth only as long as you have room for improvement.

Aside from the fact that things can always be improved upon, it is always imperfection that raises the value. Remember diamonds? A product is your diamond. The secret to a good business is just as simple as that. Look at mobile phones for instance. It is one of the most thriving businesses in India today and can anyone name a perfect mobile? Go on. I dare you.

There is no way to make a perfect product, just a million ways to make a good one

Need more proof?

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